Our theme this year focuses on how a small school offers a great variety of opportunities for the students, faculty and staff, parents, our city and nation and even the world.
I’m always blessed by the chapel song A Small Beginning that says:
It may be small beginning
But wait and watch him grow
With time and a bit of patience
The fruit will start to show…
The year 2014 marks FCA’s eighth year which symbolizes a new beginning. With faith renewed and strengthened, FCA looks back to the past with gratitude, to the present with joy and to the future with great expectation of what the Lord has in store!
We are thankful to God for the favor we have always had from Dinas Pendidikan dan Olahraga Tanjungpinang. Being a legal community learning center or PKBM, the local government’s actual recognition is priceless in allowing us to continue to bless our city and nation.
The American curriculum we are using is continually updated. FCA students have the privilege of the traditional paper-based work text and the computer-based learning. Online learning has been incorporated for high school students and will soon be available for middle school students.
With focus on the local and global education, our eight years have resulted in eleven alumni spread in colleges in Indonesia, Singapore, New Zealand and USA. Out of the 130 students currently studying, we have had students from Singapore, USA, Korea, and Australia.
Our success never comes from focusing only on academics. FCA’s very root is the character-based education. So, as the Scriptures state: Do not despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10 NLT), let us continue to grow in character and do our best as unto the Lord.
dr. Esther T. Palit
Principal and Founder